The registration process for YCL is easy with a registration fee of only Rs 999/- for the batsman and the bowlers. If the player wants to register as a wicket-keeper or an all-rounder they should pay the registration fees of Rs 1499/-. Interested candidates can register themselves online at
The male candidates who are above the age of 12 years are eligible to register here and participate in the biggest Indian cricket talent hunt platform, the Youth Cricket League. There are selection trials organized in the 23 States of India. These net trials form the basis of further selection of the well-deserving candidates on the merit of their performances. After the selection, fees for the state matches are collected from the selected players. The selected players have to pay a fee of a mere Rs7000/- for playing at the State level matches. Through this net trial selection, they have earned a golden opportunity to play 3 state-level matches, where they will be provided with their uniform and refreshment throughout the matches.
1. Under 14 years - Candidates who are 12 years old but below the age of 14 years.
2. Under 16 years - Candidates who are 14 or above 14 years but less than 16 years
3. Under 19 years - Candidates who are 16 or above 16 years but less than 19 years
4. Under 23 years - Candidates who are 19 or above 19 years but less than 23 years
5. Above 23 years - Candidates who are 23 years or above. They can play in this above 23 years category.
The registered players play in their respective age categories and compete with the candidates in the same age brackets in all three phases of the selection.
During the entire selection process, the players are expected to follow a certain code of conduct which includes refraining from any attempt to manipulate a match using inappropriate strategies or intimidating an Umpire by their language, sign, or bodily conduct during a match that might include the use of aggressive or threatening mannerisms on the field. The sanctity of the game has to be maintained throughout the selection process.
There are 3 important phases in the Youth cricket league.
The first phase includes online registration by interested players on the YCL website. These players get a fair chance of selection in the net trials. The registered players are divided into the respective categories of bowlers, batsmen, fielders, and all-rounders depending on their preference for trials. A transparent net trial is conducted and supervised closely by qualified BCCI / ICC level coaches. These net trials are conducted in 23 states. The player’s performance is graded by this professional and an individual scorecard is prepared for each player. The selected candidate is promoted to the next level. This level opens the gates for him to play state-level matches. The various venues and respective selection dates for these scheduled trials are posted on the official web page
Once the first phase of the selection process culminates the league selects deserving players from the respective state. These shortlisted candidates from Phase 1 will be personally informed through calls and messages. For further progress in their selection procedure, these candidates have to pay an additional fee of Rs. 7000/-. After the selection, these candidates are entitled to play 3 state-level matches which are divided into 5 categories as described earlier. The second phase selection process is also conducted in 23 states for the convenience of the players. The players play in their respective age categories as batsmen, bowlers, fielders, and all-rounders. They are finally selected for the third level based on their scorecards. The eligible batsman has to score 100+ runs, bowlers have to obtain 8+ wickets, and all-rounders have to get 50+runs and 4+ wickets to qualify for the next step.
The selection at this level is the golden gateway to the national camp at Delhi for deserving and talented players.
Once selected through the second phase, the players reach the national camp in Delhi. The camp has qualified and abled coaches, who guide the players at each step from warming up to the final selection. Each player gets ample opportunity to prove their talent at the national camp.
Players who are supposed to play in their respective age category play as batmen for more than 4-5 overs. The bowlers also get to bowl for at least 3-4 overs. This helps the selectors in choosing the most deserving players based on their true performance and talents.
The players get the uniform and free refreshments throughout the camp.
The best players of the camp are also eligible for getting corporate sponsorship as a reward for their sterling performance. The funds collected through this sponsorship are used for developing better training facilities, providing the best quality cricket uniform and other equipment, healthy nutritious diet to maintain the physical fitness of these selected cream team of players.
The camp has next-level arrangements and experience for the players. This helps in boosting their confidence and enhances their skills.
Think Big, Dream Bigger and get the Best at Youth cricket league.
The trials are scheduled closer to the hometowns of the players for the sake of traveling convenience. The candidates are divided into the following 5 age groups: -