Our Management

"If you want to do something, Go and achieve something.
You can’t be thinking all the time of what you don’t have"


We all believe that success comes only to those who dream big, who think big, and who work in the right direction to turn their dreams into reality. Our management at Youth Cricket League is well inspired by our very own Mr. Archit Kumar.

He is the founder and the owner of this magnificent cricket platform. Mr. Archit Kumar is a visionary, a foresighted entrepreneur, a risk taker, and above all a hardcore cricket enthusiast. He has been born and brought up in a warm and cozy Delhi household with his roots socially grounded. He always had empathy and compassion for the people around him. Kind and considerate Mr. Kumar is a BA graduate from Delhi University.

Right from his childhood days cricket has been his passion, a stress reliever, adrenaline rush, and pacifier at the same time. Be it his exam days or summer vacations, come rain or sunshine Mr. Kumar had always been out in the "gully" playing " gully cricket " with his "team " of neighbourhood friends. The tiffin breaks in the school and colleges had been their favourite time to connect over a tiny cricket match. Just like all Indian children he too has grown up playing cricket with plastic balls and homemade bats. As a teenager, Mr. Archit Kumar dreamt of making it big in the world of cricket. Just like a majority of young Indian boys, he too joined the cricket coaching academy in his neighbourhood. But unfortunately, his dreams were taken over by his family responsibilities and commitments.

This fire to do something remarkable in the world of cricket kindled in his heart in 2003 while witnessing the ICC Cricket World cup while he saw India playing against Australia. Later on, his dreams started culminating into a broader vision with the advent of the 2007 ICC cricket world cup.

The Indian team's first-ever victory made him realise that it's the right time to tame the raw talent of our country towards developing a more skilled and trained cricket generation next. There was a need to develop a new youthful team for our country. A team that is secular and which will represent even the remotest part of our country. He realised we need to work towards building "Team India" in its true sense. But the only question was how and what should be the right step in this direction.

The turning point arrived with the legendary victory of India in the 2011 World cup. The historic homecoming of the world cup trophy and triumph on their soil was marked in golden letters in the history of cricket. This was the proudest moment for every Indian. It gave a new start to Mr. Archit Kumar's dreams. He realised that every young Indian boy or girl to has the capability of getting many more trophies back home.

That was the moment when he realized that his driver's son Avinash was a born cricket prodigy. Avinash had natural cricket talent but he lacked the opportunity to make it big in the world of cricket. He saw Avinash struggling hard to make ends meet to fulfill his dreams. Avinash used to help his father with household chores and find time to play cricket with his school team. He was even representing his school at the district-level cricket meet. But unfortunately, their financial condition curtailed his opportunities. Mr. Archit Kumar, like a considerate employer, supported Avinash in fulfilling his cricket dreams.

But this left him contemplating the fact that what about more boys like Avinash? His friends and many more from remote distant villages of India. How about the boys who have grown up playing gully cricket just like him? But had to give up on their dreams due to family commitments or financial crunch. It's not fair for them. It's not fair for our motherland. It's not fair to the world of cricket.

Mr. Archit Kumar brooded over the problem, did lots of research, and interviewed several young cricket enthusiasts. Finally, he came up with a noble and unique idea of launching a wonderful platform like the Youth Cricket league. An online platform that is unbiased to the youth of today concerning their caste, color, or creed. A secular one-stop solution to the concept of unity in diversity in the world of cricket. The youth cricket league is a platform that will give wings to many boys like Avinash. It will help them touch the sky, go to the moon and bring back the stars. India awaits many more World cup trophies.

This little endeavor started by Mr. Archit Kumar in the right direction will help the raw cricket talent of India in making it big in the world of cricket. Mr. Archit Kumar believes that nothing is impossible. All we have to do is dream big and work in the right direction with a smile on our faces and passion in our spirits.

This is the story behind our legendary Mr. Archit Kumar and his dream of the Youth Cricket League. A platform where success comes only after you prove your hard work, dedication, and discipline. Cricket is a religion in a country like India and we at Youth Cricket League worship your passion and devotion to fulfilling your lifetime dreams.

Jai Hind Jai Bharat